National Secretariat 2024
the National Cursillo committee

The Rt Rev Ian Palmer
Episcopal overseer
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Paul Doyle
National Lay Director
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The Rev Dr Lee Weissel
National Spiritual Advisor
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Kay Self
National Secretary
My Cursillo journey began in 2002 on W53a in the Diocese of Southern Queensland.
My Mum did her Cursillo on W3 in the mid 1980s and had wanted to sponsor me for sometime but, with a busy family and work life, it took me until 2002 to accept her invitation. Since then, I have been on team 4 times and had the privilege of being Lay Director on W81 in 2021. I have also served on Diocesan Servant Community and on Diocesan Secretariat in the role of Post Cursillo.
The Cursillo Method is one of the ways that helps me to demonstrate what God’s love means to me and how I can show and share that love with everyone I meet, in all the areas of my life.
The different elements and special Christians involved in Cursillo have been a great support to me through not so good times and shared my joy at other times.
It has been my experience that, like most things in life, the more I give, the more I receive.

Margaret Brodie
National Treasurer
Write a bio for each team member. Make it short and informative to keep your visitors engaged.
Shirley Tongue
National Web Coordinator
Write a bio for each team member. Make it short and informative to keep your visitors engaged.