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National Secretariat meeting, Wallsend, Oct 25-27, 2024

Newcastle Cursillistas did us proud hosting the 2024 National Secretariat Meeting at Wallsend in late October.  We enjoyed great fellowship, including being privileged to  join local Cursillistas at an ultreya on the Saturday evening.  During meeting sessions there was much valuable discussion about 'where to from here?' for Anglican Cursillo in Australia, with openness to exploring new ways of running 3 Days (or maybe 2 Days) and Fourth Day activities.  We look forward to hearing back from those Dioceses who try something a bit different during the next 12 months.  We can learn not only from successes but also from things that didn't work so well. 

The annual National Secretariat gatherings are open to all Cursillistas.  Along with the delegates from participating Dioceses, guests are very welcome to attend.  Guests may join in all discussions and activities, but are not able to vote or move motions.  National Cursillo gatherings are great fun as well as being valuable times of sharing ideas, challenges and joys.  Come and join us if you can.

In 2025, the gathering will be held in Launceston, Tasmania, from October 24-26th.  There will be the opportunity to join a coach tour afterwards along the picturesque north-west coast (bookings necessary).  More details to follow.

If you like to plan ahead, the 2026 meeting will be in South Queensland, from October 1-4th.

© 2021 - Cursillo Australia.

   Last updated January 30th, 2025        

Shirley Tongue, Web Coordinator

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